3 Months with Nina
Tammy-earthchild Van Altena left Nina in my care for 3 months while she was in Australia. These are snapshots from her first ride with Nina, after her return ------------- "My mare, Nina, was sent to Sandy in October 2011. I had been struggling with a few issues. The "traditional system" was taking its toll on her and had failed us. Instead of creating a confident horse that was eager for work I had created the opposite. A mare who was ranked last in any herd environment. Nina was running whenever I took up contact, she would throw her head when being bitted, she didn't like the horse box, she paddled with her hind legs, she was stiff and she could most certainly never be washed. It seemed everything I tried with her just didn't work. Most equestrians now days are some how taught to be oblivious to what comes naturally, we turn a blind eye to the smaller things which in the end contribute to the greater scheme of things. How is your body positioned? Are you making your horse think? Are YOU communicating properly with your horse? Sandy never fixed my horse - She fixed me. She taught me how to communicate with Nina. She helped us feel each other and helped us create a bond Circumstances changed for me in April 2012 and I decided to go overseas. I wouldn't dream of leaving my horse with anyone else. I returned 3 months later to a horse that had changed dramatically. Gone was the timid mare biting at the bit, gone was the mare who wouldn't stretch, canter or be washed. I had a horse that was Confident and Glowing! My Photos speak for themselves! After having a child and giving up riding, I parted with my mare. My eyes have been opened. There is NO other way other than the right way - the way the horse shows you. If you would like to "see" and are struggling - If nothing seems to be working I highly recommend Sandy. Worth every last penny I spent and More!" Tamaryn-Anne van Altena <tamtam.va@gmail.com>