Importance of the Atlas Joint
Importance of the Atlas Joint
Does your horse exhibit any of the Issues below? If so, his ATLAS may be problematic.
The ATLAS is the first cervical spine that holds the head. Issues can arise from basic ‘traditional’ breaking of the horse i.e. teach him to tie by snugging him up to a tree or post and ‘letting him fight it out’, from pulling back when tied fast and various other situations that cause excessive stretching to the cervical spinous process. Falls and other accidents can also cause issues with the ATLAS.
Difficulty picking up, maintaining, or changing leads
Difficulty with poll flexion
Uncomfortable with haltering and/or bridling Having an obviously favorite lead
Tips nose to the outside when doing circle work
Bracing on or evading the bit, especially one side only
Inability to focus or concentrate
Standoffish, non-affectionate Facial expression that often indicates: “I have a headache. Don’t bother me.”
Inability to do “long and low”work comfortably
Difficulty with collection or impulsion
Stiff neck or body Inability to bend neck right or left
Unwilling to open mouth for bit
Difficulty chewing on one or both sides