A wise horseman once said that horses are like computers; they don't always do what you want but they always do what you tell them!
Sometimes people are afraid to do their homework with their horses, as they are concerned that they might get it wrong and confuse their horse. However, your horse doesn’t know if you get it right or wrong, he just does what you ask him to do. Given that horses respond directly to our cues, they cannot do something ‘wrong’, they can only do as we ask. So if your horse is giving you a different answer to the one you want, maybe you need to ask the question a little differently.
Your horse can be your mirror in a couple of ways. One way in which he is just like you, like a mirror image. A bit like some dogs are just like their owners. Have you ever come across a horse that is fast, flighty and nervous? The horse tells the story. Is the owner also fast, flighty and nervous?
In another way, your horse can be a direct reflection of you. That is, a direct result of your leadership and horsemanship skills. Take the same flighty, nervous horse and now put him in the hands of someone who is calm, laid -back and easygoing. The horse will soon take on these characteristics himself.
How your horse is going, mentally, emotionally and physically can be your guide or measure to how you are going and how much progress you make. Think back to what he was like a year ago, a month, a week. Keep a diary so you can keep track of your improvements.