LAZAR - Update
It's been 4 months since Lazar's arrival and he is coming along unbelievably well. He now approaches a few certain people who enter his stable and I can touch and stroke his ears - putting a bridle on is no longer a trauma session. He has allowed a bodywork treatment from JJ Terblanche. In September, Lazar's teeth were attended to and in October he got his front shoes back on. His feet will take months to balance properly so have had him shod again, in order to aid this process.
The next step in this journey for Lazar, formely an AE dressage horse, is to 'unlearn' some of his previous training. He knows how 'it should look', how to carry himself in 'a certain frame', however what he didn't know, was how to be able to use himself and allow his body to relax and rebuild different muscles for what I want. This is a process of time and patience, starting with allowing Lazar to release unnecessary muscle tension, while being ridden.
We have so far discovered about Lazar, that he is not an aggressive, rebellious horse, but a horse misunderstood.